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Beyond videos, Alaina has produced several pieces of journalism that received 'Best of SNO' honors. From in-depth sports stories to emotional profiles, view some of her favorite, most rewarding projects that she has worked on.

Following COVID concerns in the fall of 2020, the 18-day suspension of fall sports reshaped season plans for both athletes and coaches, affecting athletes’ mentalities and team atmospheres.

Published on 10/17/20

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There’s a lot that fans don’t see at a swimming meet or football game. They’re not around to witness the grind leading up to the competition, the extra reps or what goes on in athletes’ minds on or off the court. Players and coaches alike share their handling of the mental side of athletics.

Published on 2/19/21


Rather than pursuing her athletic aspirations, Greta Kraske ’23 has had to navigate her way through two knee injuries, putting her softball and swimming careers on pause for nearly two years.

Published on 11/7/20

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